What is Avo Communities?

We have seen a huge shift towards estate living in South Africa recently and Avo Communities is the perfect lifestyle companion.

Enjoy safe, convenient online shopping for all your daily needs including groceries with free delivery, takeaways and prepaid top-ups.

Avo Communities brings you a sense of security, togetherness and an interactive lifestyle.

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avo home

What is Avo Communities?

Avo Communities is feature of the Avo super app, designed to connect these communities digitally.

Powered by Nedbank, Avo Communities offers a new lifestyle experience backed by bank grade security with the gold standard of technology and innovation.

Avo is continuously growing, ensuring Avo Communities will just keep getting better as we work to improve your lifestyle and living community.

As a resident in an estate, what does Avo Communities offer me?

Experience the future of community living with instant access control, convenient online shopping, home services and easy access to facilities and events. Plus, you’ll also be able to order groceries, takeaways, prepaids and so much more, all in one place.

Create the home of your dreams with the latest in-home décor, tech and fashion news at your fingertips.

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As an estate manager or property owner, what does Avo Communities add to my offering?

Avo Communities gives you access to more convenience, speed and real-time communication with your residents. You can reduce administrative overheads and provide a more personalised living experience. This encourages loyal tenants and helps the living community build an advanced, affordable value proposition for your residents.

Privacy notice

We will not sell your information to third parties. Avo complies with Nedbank’s privacy and protection policies. We will only market to you in accordance with our legal obligations and your marketing preferences. Find out more

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